Well I've got to give it to the guys over at bullion, tremendous job they've done with the TTM LONG.
Perfectly dosed, exactly what it says on the tin without a doubt. I've had unreal results from only 1. 5ml of this per week which is the lowest dose cycle I've ever done and probably had the most muscle/strength gain over any other cycle I've done in the past from any other lad.
100% recommend giving these guys a try, juat ordered another bottle of the TTM as we soeak, looking to up the does to just 2ml a week, see what it yields and I'll update again.
Other than this, thanks again lads and cheera to future business, satisfied cuatomer leaving all the other brands behind to jump on ahip with bullionpharma!💪
Couldn't have said it any better myself pal, your bang on the money there!